Terms of Service
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[EliazLogs Terms of Service] We are not responsible or held liable for any issue related to EliazLogs if the participant does not read the terms of service.
As a buyer/customer of any EliazLogs products or services it is the buyers/customers sole responsibility to read the entirety of EliazLogs Terms Of Service. You accept that you automatically accept any changes made to the Terms Of Service without notice. The only exceptions to this are that purchases made before the change don't apply/conform to the new Terms of service.
By being a buyer/customer of EliazLogs you accept and are bound to these terms with no exeptions.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS If the account provided isn't as advertised then a replacement wil be given if the customer contacts support within a time of 3 hours unless stated otherwise. Leaving a negative review before contacting support or before any effort of solving/replacing the customer will result in the warranty being voided/ignored along with a blacklist from EliazLogs. Buyers are responsible for their knowledge on how to use said product. We are not responsible/liable for any loss of your order such as using a temp email/ losing access to your EliazLogs account or email etc. Upon a buyer/customer being blacklisted or banned from purchasing from EliazLogs and or participating parties they accept/agree that any warranty given at any point of time will be voided. If a buyer chooses to circumvent their ban/blackist they will be held solely responsible for any damaged caused. If the buyer/customer changes any information on the account provided such as the username/email/password/2FA etc Unless instructed to do so in the products description, They accept that no replacements or refunds will be issued. Blacklists/Bans apply to any and all associated parties of EliazLogs. No tutorials are given through support. EliazLogs and or the parties/members etc. associated are not responsible for any buyer conduct after the sale has been made. Most fiat payment processors require a bank issued card that is linked to a pertinent personal information that may include but not limited to their Name, Date Of Birth, Address, SSN and or other identifiers that can potentially lead to the compromisation of your privacy and anonymity. It's important that you use cryptocurrency and a secure email during checkout.
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